Rust vs. C in networking applications

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, Rust is the most beloved programming language. It has sparked much interest over the past few years, with companies like Meta, Amazon Web Services, Discord, Figma, and Android using it in their projects. Rust’s growing popularity is why we want to talk about it in a webinar. We hope to dispel all your doubts about this language and give you a better understanding of it.
This webinar will cover the topic of using Rust specifically in network applications. It can be considered an alternative to the C programming language, so we will compare these two languages to find out which works better in certain use cases.
During the webinar, we will talk about the business benefits of implementing Rust. You will learn why it may be a good fit for particular projects and when it’s better to opt for a different language.
You should definitely join us if the following topics are on your agenda:
- Selecting technology for a network software product
- Discovering the benefits of using Rust in projects
- Learning more about Rust and C in networking applications
- Using DPDK with Rust
Why should you care about Rust in networking apps?
- Increased security and reliability
- Program correctness secured on a syntax level
- Approved, modern language
- A growing community of Rust developers
- Significant business potential
- Rust - simply explained
Our experts will briefly present the Rust programming language and the features that make it a good choice for network development.
- Rust in networking
We will discuss Rust's performance in networking apps, available tools, and the potential for improvement in this field, based on three practical examples.
- Rust vs. C bindings & Rust with DPDK
Our experts will present examples of how each of these languages works. We will take a closer look at memory management and more advanced features. Using a simple example, you will be able to see how Rust can bring additional benefits regarding security in memory management and multithreading.
We will show how to use and integrate the DPDK framework with a Rust application. The focus will be on doing it the Rust way, so that we can use the language’s features to secure libraries and functions coded in C.
- Our example - a thorough experiment
Finally, we will present the results of our experiment to check whether Rust can substitute for C in network applications. We re-implemented a simple DPDK application that was originally implemented in C and conducted a series of performance tests to see if there were any differences between the two implementations in this aspect. We will share the results and explain the conclusions we came to.
- Q&A
The topic is quite complex, and you will likely have questions, so don’t hesitate to ask them!

About the speakers
Łukasz Kszonowski - Senior Software Engineer
As Senior Software Engineer at CodiLime, Łukasz focuses on creating software for networking applications. He has experience with offloading and DPDK, using C/C++, Rust and P4. In his free time he enjoys carpentry and sci-fi books.
Marcin Parafiniuk - Software Engineer
Marcin is a multi-language engineer and an enthusiast of low-level programming. His main areas of focus are smartNICs, both firmware and driver development. He specializes in Rust, C/C++ and P4. Marcin is a creative soul - he composes and sings in his free time.